Terror at Collinwood Episode 36: Marie Wallace Interview – Dark Shadows Actress: Eve, Jenny Collins, Megan Todd
Actress Marie Wallace played the memorable characters Eve, Jenny Collins, and Megan Todd on Dark Shadows. In this episode of Terror at Collinwood, the charming Marie sits down for a fun chat about her career in theatre and television. In addition to discussing her memories of DS and the characters she portrayed on the show, Marie talks about her early theatre experiences, reuniting with Jonathan Frid for ‘The Lion in Winter’, her interactions with ‘Dark Shadows’ fans, photography, her autobiography, painting, and more!
Terror at Collinwood Episode 30: Hermes Press Dark Shadows Books with Sabrina Herman
Since 2010, Hermes Press has been releasing high-quality collections and reprints of classic 60's and 70's Dark Shadows publications such as the Gold Key comics and story digest, the newspaper comic strips, and the Paperback Library novels. Managing Editor Sabrina Herman stops by the podcast to talk about the origins of DS at Hermes, the work that goes into putting these books together, and she even drops some tantalizing hints about potential future Hermes Press Dark Shadows books!
Terror at Collinwood Episode 02: Victoria Winters' Search and Burke Devlin's Revenge with Eric Marshall
Artist and writer Eric Marshall joins Penny for episode two of Terror at Collinwood. They examine Dark Shadows’ earliest Pre-Barnabas storylines & characters as they discuss Victoria Winters’ search for her parentage, Burke Devlin’s quest for revenge, and the death of Bill Malloy. They also take several side trips into other storylines and touch on topics such as whether or not a Dark Shadows remake could actually work.