Terror at Collinwood Episode 28: Running Home to Shadows with Jim Beard

This episode features a discussion with editor and writer Jim Beard who, along with Charles R. Rutledge, edited the new book Running Home to Shadows: Memories of TV’s First Supernatural Soap from Today’s Grown-Up Kids from Becky Books. We talk about the book, its contents, how the project came together, and about Jim and his wife Becky's history with Dark Shadows and classic horror movies. This spirited conversation touches on many topics, including Sir Graves Ghastly, Batman, Kolchak, the Planet of the Apes fiction anthology, a proposed Dark Shadows fiction anthology, Universal and Hammer horror, pulp heroes and, of course, running home from school to watch Dark Shadows.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 27: 55th Anniversary of Jonathan Frid’s 1st Appearance as Barnabas Collins with David Selby, Mary O’Leary, Nancy Kersey, and Will McKinley

This special episode of Terror at Collinwood is a celebration of the 55th anniversary of Jonathan Frid’s first appearance as Barnabas Collins on Dark Shadows! The show opens with a delightful discussion featuring special guest David Selby, who portrayed the iconic Quentin Collins in Dark Shadows. Following the interview, there’s a fun and spirited chat with special guests Mary O’Leary, Nancy Kersey and Will McKinley, who worked with Jonathan Frid in the development of his one-man shows in the 1980’s era. Finally, the episode concludes with a rare and exciting recording of Jonathan Frid reading Dead Call by author William F. Nolan, featuring music by David Christenberry/RaveDave60 Music. This episode is dedicated to the memory of Kay Fry.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 25: The 1897 Storyline with Joe Escobar

The iconic and beloved 1897 storyline garnered Dark Shadows its highest ratings when it originally aired in 1969. Longtime DS fan and editor of the online eZine 'The Collins Mausoleum', Joe Escobar, visits the podcast to discuss this mega-popular set of episodes. Stay tuned until the end for tributes to the late Mitchell Ryan from Rob and Phyllis Floyd of the 'Fantasmo After Dark' podcast and Jule Saynes of the 'Resident of Collinwood' YouTube podcast.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 24: Dark Shadows is Wicked Gothic

Another frenzied (and geeky) lecture? You bet! This time, Penny Dreadful tackles major characteristics of gothic horror & gothic romance and illustrates their use in Dark Shadows. Topics include Terror at Collinwood’s Rondo Award nomination for best podcast (!!!), Terror vs. Horror, “spackling” continuity and bloopers, atmosphere of the gothic, otherness, serials, obsession, madness, love triangles, monsters and the supernatural, heightened emotion, the sublime, subverting the gothic, and much more!

Be sure to vote in the Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards!

Terror at Collinwood was nominated for Best Podcast & Penny Dreadful was nominated for Favorite Horror Host

The full ballot can be found here: https://rondoaward.com

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 21: Bride of Listener Email!

Selected listener email messages are read and addressed! Topics include Daytime Gothic 'zine announcement, explanation of the job Willie had to do, was the Leviathan storyline really as bad as some fans say, spinoff media requests, lots of fan memories, and much more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 14: The Werewolf and the Ghost of Quentin Collins with Stephen D. Sullivan

Prolific Role-Playing Game designer, author, editor, and artist Stephen D. Sullivan visits the show to discuss the Werewolf and Ghost of Quentin Collins storylines from Dark Shadows. Other topics include speculation about whether Dark Shadows would work as a tabletop RPG plus discussion about horror RPGs, including Stephen's own work on D&D and the original CHILL horror role-playing game.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 13: The Creation of Adam & Eve and the Dream Curse with Rich Handley

Author and editor Rich Handley visits the podcast to discuss the Creation of Adam & Eve and Dream Curse storylines. Concurrent plots and characters are also discussed, including star-crossed lovers Jeff/Peter and Vicki, Elizabeth’s obsession with being buried alive, the diabolical machinations of Cassandra and Nicholas Blair, the mad science of Dr. Eric Lang, Diabolos, vampire Angelique, Tom Jennings, Maggie’s memories, Professor Stokes, and more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 09: Listener Email!

Selections from the first batch of listener email messages and comments are read and addressed! Topics include fan memories, character and storyline theories, the evolution of Quentin Collins, Angelique's attempt to undo the vampire curse, a few things Penny liked about the Burton movie (?!), the Monster Craze, classifying Nicholas Blair, and much more!

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