Terror at Collinwood Episode 75: The Dreamers - The Novel that Inspired the Dream Curse with Amanda Desiree and Steve Shutt

The Dream Curse storyline in Dark Shadows was inspired by an obscure 1957 horror novel called The Dreamers, written by Roger Manvell. Although this was revealed by writer Ron Sproat at the first DS Festival, many remain unaware of the book and its influence on the Dream Curse plot. Returning to the podcast are Amanda Desiree and Stephen R. Shutt, who are both writers and longtime fans of Dark Shadows and all things spooky. We spend the first half of this episode examining The Dreamers, comparing and contrasting the novel to the plot line in the show. In the second half of the episode, we have some fun interpreting the symbolism of the DS Dream Curse as we try to determine the greatest fear of each dreamer.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 74: DS Minor & Supporting Characters Celebration with Nick Caputo

Dark Shadows certainly boasted a memorable and iconic roster of main characters, but there were also a plethora of outstanding supporting and minor characters in the series. These characters, and the actors who played them, brought something special to the show. In this episode of Terror at Collinwood, longtime fan Nick Caputo visits to discuss these noteworthy short-term characters. Nick is a writer, blogger, and Steve Ditko expert who brings his vast comics knowledge to the table during the discussion. Other topics include: Nick’s DS memories, collecting the bubblegum cards, buying comics, Steve Ditko, Roy Thomas, the DS and comics connection, DS Festivals, and more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 73: Collinsport After Dark with Alan Gallant

'Collinsport After Dark' is a new Youtube-based podcast hosted by theater technician, actor, educator, and longtime 'Dark Shadows' fan, Alan Gallant. Originally from Bangor, Maine, Alan talks about his childhood memories of DS, theatrical inspirations, and discusses the research that has gone into the subjects featured on Collinsport After Dark. Topics discussed in this episode include: how Alan researched gum card photos and music cues, a chat about various props used in the series, teen magazines, Alan’s favorite characters and storylines, and more. This episode starts with some words in honor of Marcy Robin, editor/publisher of ‘Shadowgram’, who passed away on December 22, 2023. The show concludes with information about many Dark Shadows and classic horror podcasts.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 71: The Dark Shadows Podcast of Questions & Answers Volume 1

In the spirit of Dale Clark’s “Dark Shadows Book of Questions and Answers” series comes the first installment of Terror at Collinwood’s Dark Shadows PODCAST of Questions and Answers! In this episode, the following questions are addressed: How can it be that Josette’s maiden name was originally Lafreniere, and that she was said to have died in 1834, when we know this was not the case? Who was Abner Collins? How did Quentin end up sealed in his room in the unaltered version of 1897? How could Dr. Lang know about Dave Woodard? Is Barnabas a hero or a villain? Are the Leviathans aliens? Why was Amy called Molly at first? Listen, as Penny Dreadful unleashes a frenzied torrent of in-universe explanations, with references to everything from H.P. Lovecraft, to Marvel's Punisher, to the plays of William Shakespeare, and more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 69: Daytime Gothic Issue 2 with Stuart Manning

The episode opens with the sad news of Lara Parker’s passing. Note: The interview with Stuart took place the week before. Please read my post Goodbye, Lara Parker on the Terror at Collinwood Blog — Stuart Manning returns to Terror at Collinwood to discuss the upcoming issue 2 of Daytime Gothic, a charity print fanzine devoted to Dark Shadows. Stuart is still accepting submissions for the new issue, so be sure to listen for details on how to send in your proposals. Other topics include: a chat about issue one and some of its contents, cast and crew involvement in the 'zine, the "Emergency Episode" of DS, and more. Stuart also offers some tantalizing hints about what to expect in issue two!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 68: Dark Shadows Every Day and Superheroes Every Day with Danny Horn

Writer, blogger, and podcaster Danny Horn visits Terror at Collinwood for a fun discussion about Dark Shadows, superheroes, and more! From 2013 to 2021, Danny undertook the Herculean task of examining Dark Shadows episode by episode, starting with the release of Barnabas, via his popular Dark Shadows Every Day blog. The blog also took side-trips into real-life events surrounding the show, looked at licensed media such as comics, novels, and audio dramas as well as the various DS remakes and reboots. Currently, Danny hosts the Superheroes Every Day podcast and maintains a corresponding blog through which he explores superhero films. Topics of discussion in this episode include: Superheroes Every Day, how Danny got into Dark Shadows, Muppets, Doctor Who, Dark Shadows Every Day, villains as main characters, fandom and ‘zines, watching DS in syndication during the 80’s, the Kaiju, serialized storytelling and genre TV as soap opera, Mark B. Perry's Dark Shadows Reincarnation, Muppets/DS crossover (?!), and much more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 67: DS Audiobook Unbound with Mary D. Johnson and Patrick McCray

The Dark Shadows Daybook Unbound is now available for download as an audiobook. Reader Mary D. Johnson joins Rondo Award-winning writer Patrick McCray in this episode to discuss what it’s like experiencing Dark Shadows for the first time in such a unique way. Assorted Daybook selections from the audiobook, as read by Mary, are included in the episode. Other topics include: themes in Dark Shadows, Roger Davis, why it makes sense that Vicki doesn't understand, how fans of DS are sometimes perceived by fans of other franchises, and more.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 64: Frid’s Girl Friday with Elena Nacanther

As a teenager, Elena Nacanther was one of the devoted Studio Kids who used to hang out at the ABC TV-16 studio during the original run of Dark Shadows. Along with her friend and fellow “Frid Girl” Valerie, Elena volunteered as Jonathan Frid’s personal assistant while Dark Shadows was on the air. Elena later went on to become a successful New York radio producer and director in the city’s #1 market. She remained friends with Jonathan for the rest of his life. Elena visits Terror at Collinwood to share her memories of Jonathan Frid and of being a studio kid in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Other topics of conversation include: Elena and Valerie becoming Jonathan Frid’s assistants, visiting the Collinwood set, Jonathan’s fan mail parties, surprising Grayson Hall, protesting the cancellation of DS, some insight into the reasons Bramwell Collins was created for the show, and much more! NOTE: The YouTube version of this episode features many rare photos from Elena’s personal collection!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 63: Todd McIntosh - Makeup Artist to the Vampires

Emmy Award-winning makeup artist Todd McIntosh has over 40 years of experience in the television and film industries, boasting such credits as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Pushing Daisies, Dr. Strange, Dracula Dead and Loving It, Masters of the Universe, The Brady Bunch Movie, and many more. He was the Makeup Department Head on the 2004 WB Dark Shadows pilot and happens to be a huge fan of the original ABC series! In fact, Todd cites Dark Shadows as a major influence on his interests in makeup, monsters, and prosthetics during his formative years. He visits Terror at Collinwood to discuss a variety of topics, including his memories of watching DS, his early experiences as a professional makeup artist, his memories of working on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, memories of working with Mel Brooks, meeting DS cast members, interactions with Dick Smith, and of course his work on the 2004 WB Dark Shadows pilot. Along the way, Todd shares a great story involving some impromptu fangs and Dan Curtis. On August 17, 2023, Todd will be part of a special tribute to makeup legend Dick Smith, presented by the Academy Museum at the Ted Mann Theater in Los Angeles, where he will be introducing House of Dark Shadows to an enthusiastic audience!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 62: Witches, Warlocks, and Mages of DS with Laramie Dean

With their magic spells, curses, and arcane incantations, the witches, warlocks, and mages of Dark Shadows certainly left a strong and lasting impression upon fans of the show. One of those fans is Laramie Dean, a talented novelist (Black Forest) and playwright (Frankenstein Among the Dead, Dracula, The Gorgon Sisters). The delightful Laramie pays a visit to the podcast for a spirited discussion about Angelique, Nicholas, Judah, Bathia, Petofi, and other wielders of magic in the DS universe. The episode also includes: a geeky side lecture on the depiction of witches in horror films, and a substantial DS opening news segment that includes info about new books, appearances, podcasts, and more! The show ends with shoutouts to several Dark Shadows and DS-adjacent podcasts! ALSO: get thee to the Blue Whale jukebox and dig the terrifyingly tubular new surf rock version of the DS theme song, ‘Surfing the Shadows’, performed by Johnny D & The Moonlighters! It also happens to be the new opening theme for Terror at Collinwood!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 61: 1841 Parallel Time with Eric Marshall

The final Dark Shadows storyline is set in a parallel universe in the year 1841 and features a set of new characters, which includes the son of Barnabas and Josette from a parallel band of time. Dismissed and derided by some fans, 1841 Parallel Time offers viewers a dark and brooding tale that takes inspiration from works by Emily Brontë and Shirley Jackson. Returning to the podcast to help examine the final DS segment is artist and writer (and designer of the Terror at Collinwood show logos!), Eric Marshall! Join us as we explore and discuss this unusual and underappreciated storyline.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 59: Fan Favorites Roundtable Discussion!

Recorded within the haunted halls of Collinwood (Seaview Terrace/Carey Mansion), this episode features an impromptu “fan favorites” discussion with a group of passionate, longtime Dark Shadows fans. Topics include favorite characters, favorite storylines, favorite fandom memories, and favorite scenes. Will Matthew Morgan succeed in kicking us off Collins property? Tune in and find out! With guests: Joe Flanagan, Tweetie Jackie Blackburn, Jimmy Hutcheson, Virginia Fox Brekhus, Mair Bear, Joe Escobar, Guy Haines, Beth Caster, and Jeff Kenny.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 57: The 1840 Storyline with Amanda Desiree and Katherine Kerestman

The 1840 storyline is the penultimate Dark Shadows plot and the last one set in the show’s main timeband. Although it doesn’t receive as much adulation as the serial’s iconic 1795 and 1897 storylines, 1840 is filled with many delights. Featuring vivid new characters, shocking twists, as well as nods to previous DS stories and classic horror films, there is much to enjoy in the next-to-last DS storyline. Writers Amanda Desiree and Katherine “Creepy Cat” Kerestman visit the podcast to help shed some light on this sometimes-underappreciated DS segment.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 53: The Unproduced John August DS Screenplay Discussion - PART 1

Tim Burton's Dark Shadows would have been a very different film had John August’s original screenplay been used instead of Seth Grahame-Smith’s attempt at a comedic rewrite. This episode of Terror at Collinwood features the first half of a deep dive discussion about the never-before-seen, non-comedic John August script for the Burton/Depp Dark Shadows. Returning to the podcast to join the conversation are Patrick McCray, writer of The Dark Shadows Daybook and The Dark Shadows Daybook Unbound, and Madelyn Marks, admin of the Dark Shadows Discord server community. Join us for PART ONE of this very rare glimpse into what might have been!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 46: The Summer of 1970 Storyline with Stephen Shutt & David Wingrove

A claustrophobic sense of doom pervades the Summer of 1970, the final present-day storyline on Dark Shadows. In it, Barnabas Collins and Dr. Julia Hoffman try to unravel the mystery behind the insidious and increasingly malignant hauntings at the great house in an effort to prevent the destruction of Collinwood and its inhabitants. Meanwhile, they must also deal with a mysterious new vampire who prowls the estate. Professor and writer David M. Wingrove and writer Stephen R. Shutt visit the Terror at Collinwood podcast to dissect and explore this oft-ignored and/or scorned storyline, examining its various literary inspirations along the way. Often seen as DS’ attempt to recapture the success of the 'Turn of the Screw'-inspired “ghosts of Quentin and Beth” storyline, Summer of 1970 pulls inspiration from several classic sources, including tales by Oliver Onions and M.R. James, with a nod to Sheridan Le Fanu.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 45: My Family Memories of Dark Shadows with… my family!

It’s a ghoul-tide trip down memory lane in this Terror at Collinwood Christmas/Holiday special. I sit down with my family to discuss their memories of Dark Shadows. Other topics include: moving to America from Portugal, getting into 60’s pop culture, growing up in the 60’s, Dracula actors, binge watching in the 80’s before it was a thing, family interests in spooky stuff, and much more! Featuring, in order of appearance, interviews with my: aunt Agatha, mom Zezinha, uncle Valdemar, cousin Karen, cousin Elijah, dad Tony, sister Amy, and sister Maggie.

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 43: Angelique's 55th Anniversary with Lara Parker

On November 22, 1967, the vengeful and powerful witch Angelique made her debut on Dark Shadows and became an instant hit with viewers, remaining an important part of the series for the remainder of its run. The character subsequently took her place alongside Barnabas, and later Quentin, as a pop culture icon, appearing on assorted products and in DS spinoff media. Visiting the podcast to commemorate her legendary character's 55th anniversary is Lara Parker, the talented actress who portrayed Angelique onscreen! Discussion topics include: Lara's thoughts on Angelique, memories of working on DS, Night of Dark Shadows, Lara's DS novels, what makes DS special, terror vs. horror, the allure of vampires, the fans, and much more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 42: House of Dark Shadows with Ricardo Delgado

Released in 1970, and directed by Dan Curtis, the MGM theatrical film House of Dark Shadows featured the TV series cast in a darker and more violent reimagining of the Introduction of Barnabas storyline from the show. The picture proved to be a hit for MGM, and while it is loved by many fans and disliked by others, it stands as a notable and compelling entry in vampire film history. Visiting the podcast to discuss House of Dark Shadows is prolific Hollywood conceptual designer and artist, Ricardo Delgado. Ricardo’s book Dracula of Transylvania and the upcoming Art of Dracula of Transylvania are also discussed. Other topics include Ricardo’s memories of watching Sombras Tenebrosas (Dark Shadows) as a child in Costa Rica, buying Famous Monsters of Filmland, reading Marvel’s Tomb of Dracula and Werewolf by Night comics, and much more!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 41: Horror Host Halloween Tribute to Dark Shadows!

What’s the perfect way to celebrate Halloween?... With Dark Shadows and Horror Hosts, of corpse! In this episode, Penny Dreadful summons many of her fellow television and internet horror movie hosts to share their memories and thoughts on DS. Hosted by Penny Dreadful and featuring (in order of appearance): Count Gore De Vol, Sally the Zombie Cheerleader, Dr. Gangrene, Doctor Sarcofiguy, Professor Anton Griffin, Undead Johnny, Marlena Midnite, Sicko-Psychotic, The Bone Jangler, Karlos Borloff, Dr. Dreck, Remo D, Bobby Gammonster, Scarlett Kaiju, The Host, Danvers, Stevie Gothling/Tim the Enchanter, Octavian Hallow, and Halloween Jack. You won’t want to miss this hex-clusive Halloween Horror Host celebration of Dark Shadows! Listen to the very end to hear a fascinating interview clip from a horror host who tried to audition for the original Dark Shadows in the early 70’s!

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Terror at Collinwood Episode 40: Robert Cobert’s Dark Shadows Music with Ben Alba

Robert Cobert’s iconic music themes for Dark Shadows were integral to the identity of the entire series and its two film spinoffs. Musician, author, and DePaul University College of Law professor, Ben Alba, visits the podcast to discuss and celebrate some favorite Cobert pieces. Throughout the course of episode, Ben even plays a few bars from several of the themes on his keyboard. Topics include: Ben’s lifelong fascination with the music from Dark Shadows, playing on the piano for fans at a Dark Shadows Festival, Bob Cobert’s incredible range as a composer, Dark Shadows soundtrack albums, and much more!

Correction: According to the interview with Bob Cobert in the booklet included with Discs 5 & 6 of ‘The Complete Dark Shadows Soundtrack Music Collection’ – “Many people assume that the instrument playing the Dark Shadows theme was a Theremin, but it wasn’t. The opening theme was neither a Theremin nor an Ondes Martinot. It was a Yamaha synthesizer with a string on it that made a Theremin-like sound. We couldn’t find an Ondes Martinot player or a Theremin player in New York, so we used that, and it was played by a very famous pianist named Dick Hyman… What you’re hearing in the theme is, melodically, a Yamaha on top, an alto flute on the bottom, then a bass, vibes, and harp, playing atonal accompaniment – five players in all.” I actually knew about this but misremembered the tweaked synthesizer organ as the way Robert Cobert initially presented the theme to Dan Curtis. Cobert presented the theme to Curtis by describing it and sort of whistling it while shaking his head about. I pulled the instrument listing (including the Theremin) from an online article and should have double-checked everything before recording the episode. Apologies. Also, from the same interview: “Almost all of the Dark Shadows music cues were recorded in England. It was money, pure and simple... the theme itself was recorded in New York.”

UPDATE: However, according to listener Jim Negro, it was an Electro-Theremin ("Tannerin") that was used in the DS theme: "The instrument used on the Dark Shadows Theme is indeed a Theremin, but not a traditional model. It was called an Electro-Theremin, and was invented and played by a man named Paul Tanner. Modern versions of this instrument are called the "Tannerin" in his honor, and also to help differentiate it from a traditional Theremin. It was Paul Tanner that contributed to the score; not Dick Hyman (see below).

Traditional Theremins are notoriously difficult to play and record with, so the Electro-Theremin was created as a substitute. It's played much like a regular keyboard, but has slide controls that alter pitch and volume. Most famous "Theremin" songs you've heard like the Dark Shadows Theme and the Beach Boys Good Vibrations are actually the Electro-Theremin.

Bob Cobert misspoke in the interview (perfectly understandable, given he was an octogenarian at the time) which has caused a lot of confusion. Yamaha Synthesizers didn't exist until 1974, and there's no "string" attachment to be had on them. He was describing an Electro-Theremin and its slide controls.

Dick Hyman confirmed he did not contribute anything to the Dark Shadows score. He's kept meticulous notes of all his sessions, going back to the late 1940s, and there's nothing for the Robert Cobert Orchestra or for any television/film score at that time. On the dates Bob Cobert was recording the theme in New York, Hyman was in Chicago recording material for the I'll Never Be The Same Again album. It would have been pretty unlikely that Hyman finished recording in Chicago during the day, flew to New York that night to record an Electro-Theremin part for a soap opera theme, then flew back to Chicago by the next morning to resume his album sessions, and not have any memory or record of doing so. There's also no evidence he ever played the Electro-Theremin or even knew what it was.

There was only one Electro-Theremin in existence, and it was owned by its inventor, Paul Tanner. He was the only person that was ever known to play it. All verified instances of its use (The Beach Boys Pet Sounds album, the My Favorite Martian score, the Music For Heavenly Bodies LP, the Ghost and Mrs. Muir theme, etc) were all performed by Paul Tanner, meaning the Dark Shadows score is almost certainly performed by him as well. The fact that he was under contract to ABC Television at the time pretty much seals the deal."

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